Friday, December 27, 2019

Analysis Of Brontës Presentation Of Pain In Remembrance

Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Presentation of Pain in ‘Remembrance’ Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Remembrance is a fictional elegy to a past lover, who has been dead for fifteen years, and conforms to the Victorian era notion that women must mourn the death of their loved ones for prolonged periods. Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s use of the noun ‘Remembrance’ as the title evokes that the speaker wishes to remember her lover, but wishes to forget the pain of their death. This notion was also explored by Brontà « in her novella Wuthering Heights where the ‘Lintons recollect [and] Earnshaws remember’ , reflected in the turmoil the Earnshaws face, which the Lintons do not. Arguably, this presents the view that Brontà « sees remembering as a source of pain, and highlights her interest in the effects of grief†¦show more content†¦C. Day Lewis finds that the effect of the rhythm in Remembrance is ‘extremely powerful, extremely appropriate’ and that ‘it is the slowest rhythm I know in English poetry, and the most sombreâ€⠄¢ , effectively allowing Bronte to convey the grief of remembering. Brontà « provides her speaker with a voice that strengthens and becomes more logical as the poem continues, which would have been unusual in the Victorian era for women in poetry. A first-person narrative is provided by Brontà «, who allows the speaker’s voice to linger and move with the environment. Brontà « had originally set the poem in Gondal, the poet’s imaginary world where her writings were frequently set, reflecting Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s imaginative mind, with her sister, Charlotte Brontà «, once stating ‘An interpreter ought always to have stood between [Emily] and the world.’ This world contained Princes and Princesses, and the poem was originally written for the poet’s character Princess Rosina to lament her husband, Prince Julius, after he was murdered 15 years prior. Memory is a key theme in Remembrance, where ‘Brontà « sets out†¦ to discover what happens when memory is dug up and brought in contact with the air’ . The speaker directly addresses her love, ‘Have I forgot, my only Love, to love thee’ (l.3), which evokes the emotional fading of memories. The notion of no longer

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Becoming Members Of Society By Aaron Devor Essay - 1236 Words

In â€Å"Becoming Members of Society† by Aaron Devor and â€Å"Rethinking Women’s Biology† by Ruth Hubbard, writers both share the same concept of gender roles. The author of these two readings, Devor and Hubbard, addressed the same idea because gender is something that everybody is familiar with and can be found anywhere in our everyday life. In his article, Devor explained that society demands people to perform their gender roles. Moreover, Hubbard also shows that society tries to make us think that women’s biology is a scientific construction. As a result, gender roles create a big impact on influencing the way people thinks about others in our society. Gender roles are the means of becoming a member of society. To become a member of society, one must find where he or she belongs. A way for people to do this is to conform to their given gender identities, as well as behaving and performing them accordingly. As for people who do not abide by these rules, non-conformist, they will be seen as outcasts of society. For instance, in my personal experiences, I have seen guys who were noticeably more feminine than others, and they get treated differently by the majority, such as getting weird looks, getting laugh at, etc. From the moment children are born, they were taught of the ideas of gender. These ideas tell them how they act, look, and think appropriately to their gender roles. An example would be parents giving their children toys and introducing them to colors. Boys are givenShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis on the Article, Becoming Members of Society1162 Words   |  5 PagesRhetorical Analysis (Paper 2) In the article, â€Å"Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meaning of Gender,† the author, Aaron Devor, is trying to convince his audience that gender shapes how we behave and relate to one another. He does this by using an educational approach, describing gender stereotypes, and making cultural references. These rhetorical devices serve his larger goal of getting readers to reflect on how their childhoods formed their genders. â€Å"Maleness and femaleness seemRead MoreThe Male Gender as a Performance in Beer Advertisements Essay812 Words   |  4 PagesAaron Devor in, â€Å"Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender,† argues that gender is a performance. He supports his argument by recognizing how society rewards, tolerates or punishes conformity to or divergence from social norms (widely accepted behaviors set by society). If a male fails to fall into his expected characterization of dominance and aggression or a female fails to act out in passivity and submission, they are at high risk of societal punishment. Michael MessnerRead MoreEssay on Equal and Alike1158 Words   |  5 Pagesis less clear. Aaron H. Devor wrote in his 1989 article, Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender, that due to the structure of American society, â€Å"masculinity thus becomes ‘innately’ valuable and femininity serves a contrapuntal function to delineate and magnify the hierarchical dominance of masculinity† (430). Devor describes the role of femininity in current society as merely a way to put the value and superiority of masculinity into perspective. Devor goes as far toRead MoreWhat Are Gender Roles?1123 Words   |  5 Pagesportrayed by a certain gender identity. In other words, a male and/or female should act and dress as if their gender is supposed to as seen by society. Guys will wear shorts and a T-shirt while girls will wear dresses and skirts; that is just how society sees an individual. Men and women’s gender roles reflect on what others will think in today’s society. Society sees men and women playing their own role. We expect a woman to do things like cook, clean, and do laundry while we expect the men to workRead MoreModern Day American Society By Aaron Devor s Bros Before Hos : The Guy Code ``1635 Words   |  7 Pagespatriarchy is rarely openly used to describe modern day American society, yet it is the root of all gender relations. The widely accepted notion that men naturally evolved to become the superior sex is a myth. Aaron Devor’s â€Å"Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender,† and Michael Kimmel’s â€Å"Bros Before Hos: The Guy Code,† both argue that the gender hierarchy America has been built upon is the product of socialization. Devor s essay, written more like a research paper, focuses onRead MoreFrom the day we are born we are categorized either a male or female. From that day onward society800 Words   |  4 Pages From the day we are born we are categorized either a male or female. From that day onward society molds, and shapes us into what it means to be a man or women. Aaron Devor’s â€Å"Becoming Members of society: Learning The Social Meanings of Gender† discusses the formation of gender roles. Devor talks about how quickly children develop, and placed into their gender group.He also discusses about the gender role behaviors and attitudes . In Jamaica Kincaid’s ,†Girl†, Kincaid focussed on her relationshipRead MoreWomen s Social Construction Of Gender1524 Words   |  7 Pageshow much society emphasizes gender to create this social construction of gender, which restricts personal freedoms. Many articles have been written about the social norms of gender, and the differences between men and women. Jamaica Kincaid’s â€Å"Girl† (1978) illustrates a conversation with a woman and a young girl about how a girl is to behave. The women advises that the goal is to not be deemed a slut by doing woman’s work, keeping good hygiene and behaving in a respectable manner. Aaron H. Devor’sRead MoreGender Roles And Relations Between Women And Women903 Words   |  4 Pagesrelationship between men and women in all spheres of society. Gender equality an important trend in all around the world in recent years. This question runs through all the problems of the present and is important in the life of each of us. Under the new views on the development of social equality of men and women determined international organizations a key element of human development, as women and men are inseparably linked with each other and society through family ties, relationships, roles and responsibilitiesRead MoreThe Hangover Is A Comedy Film Directed By Todd Phillips918 Words   |  4 Pagesperson’s sex. Officer Garden’s reaction to the characters saying they did not steal anything is comparable to the three women athletes who outperformed Ratjen in the olympics. Aaron Devor, a professor at University of Victoria, wrote a novel titled Becoming Members of Society: Learning the Social Meanings of Gender. Devor claims that children learn to categorize other people, objects, and themselves based on physical gender cues not genitalia. He mentions a study done by Kessler and McKenna, in theRead MoreThe Picture On The Right1457 Words   |  6 Pagescompletely different. If you look at the first picture on the left, and compare it to the second picture on the right you will see the difference immediately. The picture on the left is from 30 years ago and women were not viewed as strong of members of society that they are today, like the viewed star Kendall Jenner in the picture on the right. If you look at the coloring of the first image it is bland, just a simple black and white image. There is nothing special about it, whereas the picture on

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Movie Review of The Queen 2007 for Cultural Norms - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theMovie Review of The Queen 2007 for Cultural Norms. Answer: Social/cultural norms are practices which have been accepted as rules and regulations and are used to govern the behaviours in which members of a society adhere to so that they are able to coexist peacefully. Social/cultural norms have been developed and passed down from various individuals who are our forefathers and they are present for the purpose of ensuring the individuals in a society can coexist harmoniously for a long period of time. Social/cultural norms which have been used to express grief can be represented in various ways (Aarts Dijksterhuls 2003, p.20). Grief is a response which people have after they lose someone they loved or adored. Grief is usually an emotional response which is represented through crying and sadness but can also entail other responses such as abnormal personality disorder in severe cases. When an individual dies the grief response which is usually represented and is present is mourning. People will cry, play music which the death person liked and other activities so that they may remember the time in which they had and enjoyed with the departed person. Mourning is a social/cultural norm in most societies and is seen as a way of accepting the loss of an individual and is a needed process for the people who have been left behind to be able to continue with their lives (Lapinski Rimal 2005, p.135). The Queen is a movie which is a fictional British drama film that depicts how the British Royal Family responded to the death of Princess Diana who was at the time of her death the Princess of Wales. The film also recreates a depiction of the events which occurred after Princess Dianas death and how the public responded to her demise. In the film the Royal Family regard the death of Princess Diana as a private matter which does not warrant it to be treated or viewed as a Royal death (British Board of Film Classification 2006, n.p.). However, Tony Blair the Prime Minister and Prince Charles who happened to be Princess Dianas ex-husband are of the view that her death should be treated as a Royal death and should be accorded all the formalities and processes that come about when a Royal dies. The general public also desire that there should be an official expression of grief in regard to the death of Princess Diana. The situation worsens after the media debate royal protocol as to wheth er Princess Diana was a Royal at the time of her death since she had been divorced from her husband before her demise. Issues regarding republicanism also come up from the media which complicates the matter for the Royal family (Junor 2005, n.p.). The Queen is also advised by Blair that she should address the nation about the life and legacy of Princess Diana. The way in which the royal family treated the death of Princess Diana initially was viewed by the public as unfair but in a way, they wished to grieve in private for the loss of their love one. As it is individuals express their grievances in various ways. It is however essential to respect the views of individuals who wish to grieve someone who they looked up to such as Princess Diana. The movie depicts social/cultural norms of expressing grief when the general public pile up flowers on the railing of the Royal palace. It is a social/cultural norm for individuals to send flowers to the family of the bereaved person as a sign that they are grieving with them in their loss. Tony Blair, Prince Charles and the general public display their grievance also by wishing the best send off for Princess Diana (Fitzpatrick 2009, n.p.). They wish that she should be buried as a Royal and her burial should be treated as an official matter. These acts show express grief in that they wish for the funeral of Princess Diana to be an occasion which is carried out with her status as a Royal intact even though at the time of her death she was divorced from Prince Charles. I think there was a public outpouring of grief following Dianas death because the general public liked her. They preferred and were in favour of her as a Princess and her status as being part of the Royal family. Even after she was divorced from Prince Charles the general public were still in favour of her and viewed her as a Princess. The fact that the general public loved her so much was the reason as to why there was a huge public outpouring of grief following her death. The manner in which the general public liked Princess Diana makes them display a social/cultural norm of grieving when they piled up flowers on the palace railings. The also fought for her burial to be treated as an official Royal matter. I think the movie dealt with social/cultural expression of grieving in a very appropriate manner (Giselle2009, p.41). It was able to display the passion the general public had for Princess Diana through the influx of flowers at the Royal palace and fighting for her burial to be c onsidered an official Royal affair. The Royal family later goes back to London and they inspect the flowers which were placed by the general public as a tribute to Princess Diana. This is a sign that they also accept and play part in the grieving of Princess Diana. The Queen also follows Tony Blairs recommendations of speaking on public television about the life and legacy of Princess Diana (Manzoor 2007, n.p.). A few months later Blair attends a weekly meeting at Buckingham palace where he sees the Queen displaying a response of compassion to the death of Princess Diana. This is an expression of grieving from the queen. The queen is hard on Blair but as the movie ends they walk together in the gardens of Buckingham palace (Gritten 2006, n.p.). This is a sign that social/cultural norms related to how people express grief can make them unite together and support each other as they help each other in the grieving process and continue with life even after the death of an important individual whom they cared for and loved. Reference List Aarts H., Dijksterhuls A. 2003. The silence of the library: Environment, situational norm and social behaviour. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 84(1): 18-28. Fitzpatrick M. 2009. Dream property to let: take to the tower. The Daily Telegraph. n.p. Giselle B. 2009. Film in the Ineffable: Biopics of the British Royal Family. Auto/Biography Studies. 24(1): 34-52. Gritten D. 2006. I do look abit like the Queen you know. The Daily Telegraph. n.p. Junor P. 2005. The Firm: The Troubled Life of the House of Windsor. HarperCollins. n.p. Lapinski M. K., Rimal R. N. 2005. An explication of social norms. Communication Theory. 15(2):127-147. Manzoor S. 2007. The power behind the throne. The Guardian. n.p. THE QUEEN (12A). 2006. British Board of Film Classification. n.p.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDAD CATOLICA MADRE Y MAESTRA CAMPUS SANTO TOMAS DE AQUINO DEPARTAMENTO DE ESTUDIOS HUMANIDADES INTRODUCCION A LA HISTORIA DOMINICANA (HG-103-T-0 21 ) Tema: La Era de Trujillo Luis Eduardo Javier Matricula: 2015-5900 Profesora: Dinorah Pereyra Fecha de Entrega: 1 4/04 /2016 La Era de Trujillo Antes de hablar de la Era de Trujillo debemos saber quien fue, que hizo y por que su dictadura fue una de las mas sangrientas en la historia de America Latina. Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, nacido el 24 de octubre de 1891 en San Cristobal, fue un militar y politico dominicano, que goberno como dictador de la Republica Dominicana desde 1930 hasta su asesinato en 1961 . Ejercio la presidencia como generalisimo del ejercito entre los periodos 1930-1938 y 1942-1952 y goberno de forma indirecta durante los periodos 1938-1942 y 1952-1961, valiendose de presidentes titeres. Sus 31 anos en el poder se conocen como la Era de Trujillo, un largo periodo dictatorial, durante el cual el pueblo dominicano sufrio en su mayoria un sinnumero de atropellos, desigualdad social y una economia monopolizada por la familia del Dictador. Entre los mecanismos utilizados para la represion de sus opositores podemos encontrar , el Servicio de Inteligencia Milita, que se encargaba de apresar a los opositores del regimen, llevandolos a la Carcel de la 40 donde serian inhumanamente torturados . Trujillo siempre mostro preocupacion por la inmigracion haitiana a la Republica Dominicana y sobre la base de esto, desarrollo una politica xenofoba en el pais. Dicha politica iba dirigida, por supuesto, a los habitantes del pais vecino aunque tambien afecto a dominicanos de piel significativamente oscura. En octubre de 1933 viajo a Haiti para reunirse con HYPERLINK "" \o "Stenio Vincent" Stenio Vincent, presidente del vecino pais en ese entonces. Trujillo le propuso a Vincent revisar el acuerdo anterior de 1929 con relacion a los limites de la frontera dominico-haitiana. Vincent acepto y en marzo de 1936 ambos presidentes firmaron un nuevo acuerdo que establecio nuevos limites en la frontera. Desde el 28 de septiembre al 8 de octubre de 1937, Trujillo decidio el genocidio de miles de haitianos que vivian en la zona de la frontera dominicana conHaitien un evento conocido como laMasacre del PerejiloEl Corte, donde tropas del ejercito dominicano mataron, segun estimados, entre 15 y 20,000 personas.Este hecho intento ser justificado con el pretexto de eliminar infiltraciones conspirativas y como una represalia por la idea de que el gobierno haitiano cooperaba con un plan de exiliados dominicanos que buscaban derrocarlo desde la vecina nacion. El dictador se habia convertido en una vergenza para los Estados Unidos, situacion que se fue haciendo cada vez mas tensa a raiz del atentado contra Romulo Betancourt. El viernes 25 de noviembre de 1960, el brutal asesinato de las tresHermanas Mirabal, Patria, Minerva y Maria Teresa, opositoras a la dictadura, aumento aun mas el descontento hacia esta. El martes 30 de mayo de 1961, a las 9:45 de la noche, en el kilometro 9 de la carretera de Santo Domingo a San Cristobal, el auto en el que viajaba Trujillo fue ametrallado en unaemboscadaurdida por Modesto Diaz, Salvador Estrella Sadhala,Antonio de la Maza,Amado Garcia Guerrero, Manuel Caceres Michel, Juan Tomas Diaz, Roberto Pastoriza, Luis Amiama Tio,Antonio Imbert Barrera, Pedro Livio Cedeno y Huascar Tejeda. El vehiculo recibio mas de 60 impactos de bala de diversos calibres, de los cuales siete impactaron el cuerpo del dictador causandole la muerte. Su chofer, Zacarias de la Cruz, recibio varios impactos, pero no perdio la vida, aunque fue dado por muerto por los ajusticiadores. Con este ensayo, espero que el lector se informe sobre los hechos ocurridos durante la Dictadura, que saque sus propias conclusiones al momento de juzgar el Gobierno de Trujillo, y que al hacerlo, se llene de orgullo patriotico para asi buscar un cambio para la actual situacion politico-economica que atravesamos nosotros los dominicanos.