Saturday, February 22, 2020

Cultural Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cultural Issues - Essay Example The cultural variety today becomes a very significant issue in the research field of international relations, first of all for the best understanding of laws of social life, an organization of statehood and management in complex communities, prevention and resolution of conflicts. There is no doubt that cultural factor is obviously present in the modern policy of international relations. Robert Garson (â€Å"extra information†) states: â€Å"issues of culture, rights, and justice drive international relations and international politics in a certain direction†. Moreover, according to Garson, culture is very important because: The cultural variety today becomes a very significant issue in the research field of international relations, first of all for the best understanding of laws of social life, an organization of statehood and management in complex communities, prevention and resolution of conflicts. There is no doubt that cultural factor is obviously present in the mo dern policy of international relations. Robert Garson (â€Å"extra information†) states: â€Å"issues of culture, rights, and justice drive international relations and international politics in a certain direction†. Moreover, according to Garson, culture is very important because:†¢ â€Å"It is the key to our social and ultimately individual identity†;†¢ â€Å"if to look at the rhetoric of international politics, that rhetoric is actually wrapped up in cultural phrases. People talk of themselves as being French or Tanzanian or American, they use these identities†;†¢ â€Å"culture is actually one of the organizing principles of most political communities†.For the first time, the question on cultural variety arises in world politics after the First World War I when the countries-winners have formulated the doctrine of self-determination on an ethnocultural basis as the mechanism of the abolition of imperial states of Austria-Hungary, O ttoman Turkey, Imperial Germany and Imperial Russia. A certain formula of "national self-determination" gradually began to gain a foothold as the international norm of state formation.  There was an idea that the society should be culturally homogeneous.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Programming - Graphical User Interface Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Programming - Graphical User Interface - Essay Example The Graphical User Interface (GUI) is the most popular implementation of a Direct Manipulation Interfaces (DMIs) which presents users with a model of their information space and users can manipulate their information by direct action. Since GUI makes use of â€Å"visual objects to implement its model therefore the user can manipulate these objects via a mouse or another pointing device. The User Interface Management Systems (UIMS) are implemented mainly as GUIs so that the interface governs the entire system and not just a single application† (Daniel, Maurice & Thomas, para. 10). The â€Å"Graphical User Interface (GUI)† term came into existence because the first interactive user interfaces to computers were not graphical; they were text-and-keyboard oriented alpha-numeric characters and usually comprised of commands. With earlier interactive user interfaces, the computer had dull appearance and had very brief responses. We had to remember the computer commands too. The typical example of user-computer interface is the user interface of DOS operating system which is still used to from Windows operating system. The GUI utilizes the graphical objects to replace and/or supplement alpha-numeric user interfaces. In this way, graphical user interface enhances the end-user's and/or application programmer's productivity. Well- designed graphical user interface can free the user from learning complex command languages. On the other hand, many users find that they work more effectively with a command-driven interface, especially if they already know the command language (Hoffmann, para.6-8).