Thursday, May 14, 2020

Darwins Theory of Evolution Essay - 702 Words

James Hutton was born June 3rd, 1726, in Edinburgh, Scotland. He was a Scottish farmer and a naturalist, later in life he was known as the father of modern geology. (â€Å"James Hutton†, 2010) Hutton thought that sedimentation takes place so slowly that the oldest of rocks are made of, in his words, â€Å"materials furnished from the ruins of former continents.† The opposite happens when rock is eroded or decayed from weather or conditions of the area. He called this destruction and renewal the â€Å"great geological cycle,† and then realized that it had been happening for many years. Another one of Hutton’s theories was the Theory of Uniformitarianism. That was the idea that geological forces still at works today, were not that noticeable to†¦show more content†¦If it is not possible to maintain the production of food to satisfy the population, than the population must be kept down to the level of available food.† (Rosenberg, 2009) Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was that everything in the world was connected in some way. He was also known for the theory of natural selection. In that he said that the organisms with th e better mutations or adaptations will survive; â€Å"only the strong will survive.† (Darwins theory of†) Charles Lyell was a major influence to Darwin. That is because Darwin agreed with most of Lyell works and theories for the most part because they helped validate his own work. The ones that he did not agree with he discarded. (Sir Charles Lyell†) Malthus was the other major influence in Darwin’s work because of his theory stating that if we did not have population control than the population would grow too big and we could not produce enough food to support the world or the growing population. Darwin expanded on this theory by saying that by producing more offspring than could survive that would create competition between the organisms. With that the organisms would produce more offspring usually with adaptations that could make them stronger in one way or another. With the stronger organisms, the weaker ones would slowly die off because of competition or because of a lack of resources. (Thomas Malthus†) To answer the question of whether or not DarwinShow MoreRelatedThe History of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution980 Words   |  4 Pages Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution. 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